
Did it Really Snow in Georgia? The Many Sides of Truths in Western Winter

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Before it snowed this week Georgia’s history was not always totally bright. Georgia had once been significant slavery stronghold, and its deep history of racism continues to rear up in social, political and especially in cultural imaginaries. Truth mercenaries, as political activists and community representatives are surely becoming, guarantee the unfreezing drama of un-umpired cultural battles; while one class of these truth-harbingers believes that the snow— which for some new arrivals of tropical ascendancy epitomize phantasmagorical picturesqueness— was unreal, another demonstrated the veracity of an opposite equation. At any rate, there is no end to unsullied political theatrics since the merger of black and white bodies across the Atlantic theatre.
If culture, flatly defined as a peoples culture, truly connotes way of life, then there much sense to assume that both blacks and whites in America have learnt the ways of slavery and enslavement. After all, Clarence Stone argues that the government of the city is biracial, albeit spasmodically. Point of fact is that several aspects of the evil of slavery have been learnt and remastered by not a few black bodies. A good example directly relates to slave-mentality, a formidable and notorious presence in black worlds. The most poignant socio-psychological impact of slavery arrangements is located in the mindset. This is the situation where the enslaved continues to be permanently gridlocked in the box of their mental captivity. Such individual sees no farther than the satisfaction of their immediate hunger—for sex, for money, for position, for title—to gratify a temporary desire at the expense of what-ever-you-name, including their communities’ future, in which in most cases have been tagged “the youth”. Anti-white bitterness among black activists eventually congeals into and mimics new social, cultural, political as well as spiritual episteme, which looks—ironically down memory lane— back to Africa for inspiration. No amount of hatred would be enough to propel a people into Promised Land. Taught or inherited mass enmity consequently would produce future haters and success-paralysis. After all, leopards do not change the spots on their skin simply because they got bedraggled in wintry snow falls.
Outside, the weather remains cold anyway. The freeways are not free as they used to be. Not even state or city officials had the guts to arrest the invading white bodies. If you got stuck in the traffic you were justified to be piqued, although the question right there is at whom? The snow or the city and state officials? As dictates of US politics, since the snow cannot be blamed, the blame has to fall on someone. And when this begins to happen there is really no place to hide. What you do is hit the screens and beg your existence. And if luck favors you, “the people” will throw you some apples of mercy. And you shall live! Placated, everyone moves on to their quotidian struggles. This is particularly so with the struggling masses dominated by the languishing black population who not only take the greatest hits from any such natural calamities, but also are the punching bags of American judiciary so that in addition to knock downs from natural causes poor black communities’ other escape from the harsh realities of American justice disequilibrium are the prison systems. These sites of incarceration are so effective that the average black person in the United States already images themselves in a one of those walled cells. Compared to the inconvenience brought about by any snow falls, the programatic inventions and crude genius of American white wickedness seethe with unparalleled human recklessness. This singular aspect is a smear on the US democracy life. Not only that, it also initiates a rethink of the meaning of the freedom which is being preached from this part of the globe. Also it makes mockery of the arrogant paternity that is being exemplified by this so great a nation. Yet, this realization, rather than stultify, strengthens opposite sides in forging headlong, and in spite of all or any systemic contradictions, political rhetoric, right and left. Of course, this goes deeper than color politics.
Several thousand drivers and commuters strapped their seatbelts on in obedience to driving law. As it turned out many of these became trapped for disobeying whether services announcers, it seemed. Initial reports before those white flours came tumbling down from the sky warned all to take caution and to stay away from the road, if possible. But different folks have different excuses why they could not stay out of the road even under such severe weather warnings. So? The government and other agencies ought to be ready to go into action that soon must become a survival requisite. Livid about the laidback response of the politicians Al Roker of NBC News’ TODAY accuses the system of unwilling to spend taxpayers money on the tax payers. He unapologetically labels the state government’s ineptitude as wanton shameless politics. Shortly thereafter, acceptance of responsibility swarmed up.
In the United States of America public apologies from political office holders mean more than mere rightist rituals. They might actually symbolize something else: people presence. In the preamble of the US constitution, “We the people” embody great amount of political weight which more often than not defines and determines the life size and term of office of US leaders. “We the people” continues to shape this greatest living democracy which the present world order is still enjoying. However, the “we the people” of the times and contexts which birthed the constitution has been progressively monumentally assuaged by realities greater than the original authors of this sacred Bible of American secular democracy.
Accordingly, in the manner of sacred books, social and cultural practices in pre-constitution United States defined human categories of free, slaves and freed. One category was practically left uncategorized. This is the privileged category of the categorizers. Your guess is as good as perfect. Uncontested, white America manufactured human social categories of free, freed and slaves in order to delineate whites from blacks, and slavery and enslavement continued to function as viable political, spiritual options in the economics of negotiating the meaning of humanity.
By default, the definition of “we the people” did necessarily EXCLUDE therefore the inclusion of ‘chattels’ presumed to be soulless. At best, African slaves were zombies of white invention. Their sole significance for existence was thus to satisfy the desires and fantasy of their enslavers, white Bible-wielding, readable America. Nothing would be cheaper as arguing that the authors of the constitution were noble men of supremely gifted abilities—such as men who saw future America where a Martin Luther who spoke about a God of justice who demands the immediate manumission of his people from American-styled Egyptian bondage would be assassinated and his killer(s) still at large for over half a century—with all the cumulative phantom slavery in black communities.
To even assume that the American society which was host to the first African slaves in its Jamestown colony of Virginia in 1619 has undergone total overhaul would be mistake. Deep into contemporary times, slavery rhetoric and the mentality of enslavement continue to dominate several important aspects life in America. Again, take the prison system as example. Things have gone from bad to worse that now America is competing with quickly arriving at Orwellian dystopia, in which case, the few privileged animals in the system cordon themselves off as returned divine representations of an older order in.
For those who have ear they would take seriously the fresh warning that the snow falls are not over—yet. Enjoy the weekend; don’t forget to get some grocery before you rein yourself indoors.

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