
Living for God: A Counter-Culture Revolution–Idowu-Taylor Babtunde (author)

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The “Fire in His Bones,” which Ruthanne Garlock told us consumed Benson Idahosa, has also engulfed Idowu-Taylor Babatunde. “Living for God will [tend to] burn your heart–into the non-conformity — if you allow it. Having known quite a few professing Christians, including many professors of religion who are Christ-professors in Africa, I found it interesting that this Taylor of a man would choose rather to live a life of difference.
Taylor’s Living for God: A Counter-Culture Revolution calls for shifts in paradigm, social cultures, and in fact, his over all thesis questions all who now conveniently stand as Christian leaders to new higher standards of the Jesus complex.
That this book is is a must-read for those who are tired with the way things are in Christiandom is a no-brainer. Pastor Taylor, I am thankful to God that He’d allowed you to give our world such a timely re-education. God’s peace and blessings on you. Full review coming soon
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