Every human and non-human event–including those we sometimes know to categorize as blatant meaninglessness–gains some form of “meaning” in the world of human beings.
The troubles of society began that very moment when our meanings contradict realities, or when the realities of others outside of our circle of meaning-making machinery go against our conceptions of meaning, what is meaningful.
Tomorrow I will be joining others for the annual meeting of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures in Portland Oregon. The meeting proposes to explore the meaning of MEANING; of course, that includes how humans, make/manufacture MEANING.
One of my desires during this event is to continue to approach the meanings of unmeaning, including the human significations upon, and with meaninglessness.
From my little research the location of this event is breathtaking! However I shall be returning to my Georgia base, definitely with my full breath, in tact.
Until then, I’ll catch up with you–in our corporate and personal lives of meaning-making.
More about the events here.