Throughout human history and in virtually all cultures, there is a status reserved for God. But not every society call him by the three-letter name: Judaism variously terms the being. In the Hebrew Bible ..
“Anybody who loses hope and gives up in despair, they die.” These words come from the lips of a man who identified with power that comes from powerlessness; he is James H. Cone. James Cone ..
Memory collects the past into the gourd of the present. The performance of rememory, both heals and strengthens; it revives hope that tomorrow is going to be better than today. This function of the human ..
Technological and scientific breakthroughs in the areas of magnetic fields have advanced communications between peoples across the world. It is as a result of these feats that we are able to sit a classroom ..
Puppet divine–no pun intended–describes the literal inability of designated supernatural beings to perform basic tasks of self-defense. Puppet divine, like paper, tiger, categorizes the epidemic ..